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DNS Server Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in .NET, VCL and ActiveX editions.

The DNS Server component represents a server for the DNS (Domain Name Server) protocol. This component represents fully functional multithreaded server with the ability to customize the user and thread performance settings, supports the most commonly used DNS records according to RFC 1034, 1035, 1183, 1591, 1995, 2065 and 2181.

With DNS Server component you can enable debug log for showing entered commands and replies sent to the user.

The most common members of the DNS Server component can be seen below:

Property List

  Name   Description
 Commands Gets a list of registered DNS commands.
 Guard Gets or sets the Server Guard component.
 LocalBinding Gets or sets the local binding interface on multihomed PCs.
 MaxRecursiveQueries Gets or sets the maximum recursive queries allowed on the server while processing the request.
 Port Specifies the port, on which the server will listen to the user datagrams.
 RootNameServers Gets or sets a list of root DNS servers.
 UseCaching Specifies whether to use DNS record caching.
 UseRecursiveQueries Specifies whether the server is allowed to use recursive queries.

Method List

  Name   Description
 Start Starts the DNS server.
 Stop Stops the DNS server.

Event List

  Name   Description
 OnAddCachedRecords Occurs when the server is about to add records to a cache.
 OnDeleteCachedRecords Occurs when the server is about to delete the record from the cache.
 OnGetCachedRecords Occurs when the server request cached records.
 OnGetHandedRecords Occurs when the server requests the handed DNS records.
 OnReceiveQuery Occurs when the server received a DNS query.
 OnResolveCachedRecords Occurs when the server is about to resolve records which are not in handed zone.
 OnSendResponse Occurs when the server has sent the response to the client.

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