procedure TForm1.SendSoapWsdl; var request: TclSoapMessage; http: TclHttp; response: string; dom: IXMLDomDocument; node: IXMLDOMNode; begin request := TclSoapMessage.Create(nil); http := TclHttp.Create(nil); responseSoap := TclSoapMessage.Create(nil); try request.BuildSoapWSDL( 'http-method-uri', 'remote-method-name', ['parameter1', 'parameter2'], ['value1', 'value2']); response := http.Post('http...', request); //You can analyze the response XML directly: dom := CoDOMDocument.Create(); dom.loadXML(WideString(response)); node := dom.selectSingleNode('//result'); //or load the response to a TclSoapMessage instance //This may be helpful if a response contains attachments, and you need to extract them. //See the "How to create/parse SOAP MTOM/XOP, XML, and binary attachments" article. finally http.Free(); request.Free(); end; end;
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