private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { textBox2.Clear(); htmlParser1.IncludeClosingTags = true; htmlParser1.ParseMethod = ParseMethod.All; htmlParser1.Parse(textBox1.Lines); for (int i = 0; i < htmlParser1.Tags.Count - 1; i++) { HtmlTag tag = htmlParser1.Tags[i]; if (tag.Name == "div" && tag.Attributes.AttributeValue("class") == "tvRow tvFirst hasLabel tvFirst") { textBox2.Text += GetInnerHtml(tag.Owner, tag) + "\r\n"; } } }
private string GetTagSource(HtmlTag tag) { string result; if (tag.IsClosingTag) { result = "</" + tag.Name + ">"; } else if(tag.IsText) { result = tag.TagSource; } else { result = "<" + tag.TagSource + ">"; } return result; } private string GetInnerHtml(HtmlTag owner, HtmlTag tag) { string result; if (tag.NextTag != null && tag.NextTag.Owner != owner) { if (owner != tag.Owner) { result = GetTagSource(tag); } else { result = ""; } result += GetInnerHtml(owner, tag.NextTag); } else { result = GetTagSource(tag); } return result; }
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