procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var msgNo: Integer; begin //Connect to IMAP account. clImap.Server := 'host'; clImap.UserName := 'user'; clImap.Password := 'secret'; clImap.Open(); //Select a mailbox. clImap.SelectMailBox('INBOX'); //Download a message. //Upon completion, the clMailMessage1SaveAttachment event handler is raised //per each attachment within a message. msgNo := 1; clImap.RetrieveMessage(msgNo, clMailMessage1); clImap.Close(); end;
procedure TForm1.clMailMessage1SaveAttachment(Sender: TObject; ABody: TclAttachmentBody; var AFileName: string; var AData: TStream; var Handled: Boolean); begin //Some attachments don't have a file name. //You may need to generate a new name for such attachments. if (AFileName = '') then begin AFileName := IntToStr(Round(Now() * 10000000000)) + IntToStr(Random(1000)) + '.dat'; end; //Provide a destination stream instance to save the attachment content to. AData := TFileStream.Create('C:\MyFiles\' + AFileName, fmCreate); //Mark the OnSaveAttachment event as handled. Handled := True; end;
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