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SSL Client:
class TMySSLClient : public TclTcpClient { public: virtual __fastcall TMySSLClient(Classes::TComponent* AOwner):TclTcpClient(AOwner){}; virtual int __fastcall GetDefaultPort(void); void __fastcall SendData(TStream *data); void __fastcall ReceiveData(TStream *data); }; ... int __fastcall TMySSLClient::GetDefaultPort(void) { return 9002; } void __fastcall TMySSLClient::SendData(TStream *data) { Connection->WriteData(data); } void __fastcall TMySSLClient::ReceiveData(TStream *data) { TStream *stream = new TMemoryStream(); __try { //read size of incoming data while(stream->Size < 8) { Connection->ReadData(stream); } stream->Position = 0; DWORD len = 0; stream->Read(&len, 8); //copy the first block of data if(stream->Size > 8) { data->CopyFrom(stream, stream->Size - 8); } //receive remaining data from server while(data->Size < len) { Connection->ReadData(data); } } __finally { delete stream; } }
SSL Server:
class TMySslCommandConnection : public TclUserConnection {}; class TMySslServer : public TclTcpServer { protected: virtual TclUserConnection* __fastcall CreateDefaultConnection(); virtual void __fastcall DoReadConnection(TclUserConnection* AConnection, Classes::TStream* AData); public: __fastcall TMySslServer(TComponent* Owner) : TclTcpServer(Owner) {}; }; ... TclUserConnection* __fastcall TMySslServer::CreateDefaultConnection() { return new TMySslCommandConnection(); } void __fastcall TMySslServer::DoReadConnection(TclUserConnection* AConnection, Classes::TStream* AData) { if(AData->Size == 0) return; TclTcpServer::DoReadConnection(AConnection, AData); //send the size of data to the client TStream *stream = new TMemoryStream(); __try { DWORD len = AData->Size; stream->Write(&len, 8); stream->Position = 0; AConnection->WriteData(stream); } __finally { delete stream; } //send data to the client AData->Position = 0; AConnection->WriteData(AData); }
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