Making Test Data from Real Data - how to mask sensitive data, such as E-mail addresses, phone numbers, etc., in XML and HTML documents, SQL scripts, and any other text-plain files using the DataDepersonalizer tool.

When you need to test your application with realistic data and check the main business processes before publishing to end-users, it is often necessary to anonymize user data and use it during the whole development and testing processes.
Data depersonalizing is the replacement of existing sensitive information in test or development data with programmatically generated information. Users of test, development, or training databases do not need to see the actual information as long as what they have appears real and consistent.
The introduced program implements a simple replacement algorithm that can depersonalize both structured and non-structured data, including XML, Email messages, and SQL scripts.
This is the second article from the series that demonstrates the updated user interface that allows you to flexibly set up the data replacers chain, define the replacing rules, save the configured replacers to the profile files, and much more.
We will show you how to mask sensitive data, such as E-mail addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, social security numbers, postal codes in XML and HTML documents, SQL scripts, and any other text-plain files. Using the DataDepersonalizer tool, you can even replace the real IP addresses with looking realistic generated data.
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