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HTTP Request Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in .NET, VCL and ActiveX editions.

The HttpRequest component provides the request data to be sent to the server with the POST or GET methods. This component only prepares the HTTP request data. It does not send it over the HTTP protocol.

HttpRequest is an independent stand-alone component. So it is possible to use it with any other http client engines / components for composing Web HTTP requests formatted according to RFC standards: RFC 1867RFC 1521

Please see the BuildFormPostRequest method to learn more on how to extract the Web Form POST request from existing HTML source and create the HTTP request data.

The most common members of the HttpRequest component can be seen below:

Supported HTTP request content types

   Name    Description
 BinaryRequestItem Implements the binary HTTP request storage for the Internet components.
 FormFieldRequestItem Is a container for the web form field request data.
 SubmitFileRequestItem Implements the file HTTP request storage for the Internet components.
 TextRequestItem Provides the text HTTP request storage for the Internet components.

Property List

   Name    Description
 Boundary Represents a character sequence that delimits the multipart request items.
 FormFields Gets the TclFormFieldRequestItem object with the specified name.
 Header Gets or sets the necessary information about the request header fields (TclHttpRequestHeader object).
 HeaderSource Returns a string list that represents the current Web HTTP request header.
 Items Gets the request item at the specified index in the collection.
 RequestSource Returns a string list that represents the current Web HTTP request.
 TotalSize Gets the total data size in the request items collection.

Method List

   Name    Description
 Add Adds a new TclHttpRequestItem or its descendant to the Items array.
 AddBinaryData Creates a new TclBinaryRequestItem instance and adds it to the Items array.
 AddFormField Creates a new TclFormFieldRequestItem instance and adds it to the Items array.
 AddSubmitFile Creates a new TclSubmitFileRequestItem instance and adds it to the Items array.
 AddTextData Creates a new TclTextRequestItem instance and adds it to the Items array.
 BuildFormPostRequest Allows extracting the Web Form POST request from given html source and building the HTTP request items.
 Clear Deletes all items from the collection.
 Delete Deletes a request item from the Items array.

Event List

   Name    Description
 OnSaveData Occurs when the parser is about to parse the binary request item and store its data to the given stream object.
 OnLoadData Occurs when the parser is about to build the binary request item and substitute its data to the resulting HTTP request.
 OnGetHtmlForm Occurs when HttpRequest is about to build new FORM POST request and needs to choose the HTML FORM.

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