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Simple HTTP Server Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in VCL edition.

The Simple HTTP Server is used to accept requests and send responses to HTTP clients via the HTTP protocol as described in RFC 1945 and RFC 2616 documents.

This component works in the same thread as the main application thread runs. You can use it for accepting requests from clients and sending the corresponding responses.

The other component, OAuth, utilizes Simple HTTP Server to accept redirection from an OAuth server page after completing the authorization process.

The most common members of the Simple HTTP Server component can be seen below:

Property List

  Name   Description
 Active Provides an information about the activity status of the server.
 BatchSize Specifies the size of the transferred batch.
 KeepConnection Allows you to keep the internet connection, where it is possible, opened after completing a request.
 Port Specifies the port on which the HTTP server will listen to the user connections.
 RequestCookies Gets the cookie list that is extracted from the client request.
 RequestHeader Gets the HTTP header that is extracted from the client request.
 RequestMethod Gets the request method that is extracted from the client request.
 RequestUri Gets the resource URI that is extracted from the client request.
 RequestVersion Gets the request version that is extracted from the client request.
 ResponseCookies Gets or sets the response cookies that will be sent to the client together with the response.
 ResponseHeader Gets or sets the response header that will be sent to the client together with the response.
 ResponseVersion Gets or sets the response version.
 SessionTimeOut Gets or sets the session timeout interval.

Method List

  Name   Description
 AcceptRequest Accepts incoming connection.
 Listen Starts listening to the incoming connections on the specified port.
 SendResponse Sends the response to the connected client with the specified status code and text and body stream.

Event List

  Name   Description
 OnProgress Occurs when data reading / writting is processed.
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