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Multi Downloader Description

Features | Detailed Description

Available in VCL and ActiveX editions.

The Multi Downloader component allows you to download multiple Internet-resources via HTTPHTTPS and FTP protocols asynchronously and obtain all the necessary information about them without interfering with the main application processes.

This component supports the Multipart Multithreaded Downloading feature with the ability to resume the process from the point where it stops. You can start downloading internet resources from any random point you want.

The Web and Proxy authentication in Basic, Digest, NTLM and Kerberos modes is also supported.

Data compression provides faster transmission time between compression-enabled internet clients and web servers thus accelerate downloading performance many times.

Multi Downloader allows downloading of the entire web directory or website recursively.

Please see the Demos code (MultiDownLoader, GrabWebSite) and also the indexed Help system provided with the Clever Internet Suite installation for more details about using this component.

The most common members of the Multi Downloader component can be seen below:

Property List

   Name    Description
 BatchSize Specifies the size of the transferred batch.
 DownLoadList Determines a list of all DownloadItem objects to be downloaded.
 FtpProxySettings Specifies the name of FTP proxy server to use when access via proxy is specified.
 HttpProxySettings Specifies the name of HTTP proxy server to use when access via proxy is specified.
 GrabOptions Allows users to set-up the desired Web resource types to grab.
 MinResourceSize Specifies a low bound of resource size range in which the specified resource will be processed.
 MaxResourceSize Specifies a high bound of resource size range in which the specified resource will be processed.
 PassiveFTPMode Specifies passive FTP mode during connection.
 ReconnectAfter Determines the time-out interval (in milliseconds) beetween reconnects.
 TimeOut Determines the time-out interval (in milliseconds) for initiating the request for resources.
 TryCount Determines the number of attempts to process a resource.
 UseInternetErrorDialog Allows users to set up a certificate in the interactive GUI mode. To get more information about using certificates in the Clever Internet components see Using certificates page.

DownloadItem's Property List

   Name    Description
 AllowCompression Allows you to specify whether or not the threader can accept compressed resources from server.
 DataStream Defines the data stream, to which the downloaded resource is saved.
 CertificateFlags Allows ignoring certificate validation errors. To get more information about using certificates in the Clever Internet components see Using certificates page.
 Errors Contains a list of errors for the internet control.
 HttpResponseHeader Represents information about the HTTP response header fields.
 KeepConnection Allows you to keep the internet connection opened after completing a process.
 LocalFile Specifies the file name, to which the downloaded resource is saved.
 Password Specifies the password that allows a control to log on to the server.
 Preview Contains the preview of the downloaded resource.
 Priority Determines the resource processing scheduling priority relative to other processes.
 ResourceInfo Provides information about the processed resource.
 ResourceState Contains the processing state: speed, time estimations, bytes proceeded.
 ThreadCount Specifies the number of threads to be used for downloading a resource.
 URL Specifies the Uniform Resource Locator (URL), from which the resource should be downloaded.
 UserName Specifies the user name that allows a control to log on to the server.

Method List

   Name    Description
 CloseConnection Closes all opened internet connections.
 GetAllCookies Retrieves all cookies for the specified URL.
 GetCookie Retrieves the cookie with the specified name for the specified URL.
 GetFtpDirList Gets a list of files and directories on the FTP server.
 GetResourceInfo Returns the information about the resource assigned to a specific item.
 GrabWebsite Forces the downloading of the entire web directory or website recursively.
 ReadRegistry Loads internet component settings from the System Registry.
 SetCookie Creates a cookie associated with the specified URL.
 Start Starts the downloading process.
 Stop Stops the resource downloading.
 WriteRegistry Saves internet component settings to the System Registry.

Event List

   Name    Description
 OnDataItemProceed Occurs when a batch is downloaded.
 OnError Occurs when an error is encountered when performing any action.
 OnGetCertificate Occurs when a server needs a certificate for establishing the connection. To get more information about using certificates in the Clever Internet components see Using certificates page.
 OnGetResourceInfo Occurs when obtaining the information about a resource.
 OnProcessCompleted Occurs when a specified internet item completed the resource processing.
 OnProcessNextUrl Occurs when the component is about to determine whenther it should download the next URL from the DownloadList.
 OnStatusChanged Occurs on any resource processing event.
 OnURLParsing Occurs on parsing a URL where a resource is located.

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